Village Council
The Village Council is the parent involvement arm of the Village of Excellence Academy. Parents are the cornerstone of the “village” and the community stakeholder input is critical to the success of the education model. Research supports our belief in the benefits of parental involvement. Studies have shown that parental involvement is associated with higher student achievement outcomes. These findings emerged consistently whether the outcome measures were grades, standardized test scores, or a variety of other measures, including teacher ratings.
This trend holds not only for parental involvement overall but for most components of parental involvement that were examined in the meta-analysis. Moreover, the pattern holds not only for the overall student population but for minority students as well. For the overall population of students, on average, the achievement scores of children with highly involved parents was higher than children with less involved parents.
This academic advantage for those parents who were highly involved in their education averaged about .5– .6 of a standard deviation for overall educational outcomes, grades, and academic achievement. In other words, the academic achievement score distribution or range of scores for children whose parents were highly involved in their education was substantially higher than that of their counterparts whose parents were less involved!
All Pro Dad & iMom’s
Our All Pro Dad Chapter provide an opportunity for dads to spend quality time with their children before school to strengthen their relationship. One day a month, other dads and their kids meet together and walk through different topics that invoke meaningful conversations.
These meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of the months below:
All Pro Dad’s Meet: August, October, December, February, April
i-Mom’s Meet: September, November, January, March, May